Web Hosting With Website Uptime Guarantee
Web Hosting With Website Uptime Guarantee
When it comes to hosting your business online, uptime is of utmost importance. Your site must remain online in order to attract, engage and ultimately retain visitors; otherwise your sales decline dramatically. That is why looking at a host’s uptime record when selecting one is so essential; having good uptime shows their dedication in keeping their servers operational as well as quick responses should any technical issues arise (ie 99.9% uptime record). Uptime can often be measured using percentage (eg 99.9% uptime).
Unfortunately, no 100% uptime guarantee can be guaranteed; even top servers can experience outages from hardware failure or unscheduled maintenance. A good web host should ensure any downtime occurs is less than their guaranteed amount and compensate customers accordingly.
When selecting a web host, check for reviews and testimonials that highlight their uptime track record. A dependable host is essential to the success of any business – choose wisely so that your website’s heartbeat never stops beating!